
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A worksheet in a Flipped still a worksheet.

I am currently sitting in a two-day in-service that has been frustrating, painful, and most are.  However, my last 1-hour session has been inspiring. I have been grappling with the idea of the flipped classroom.  If you have read any of my previous posts, you would have seen that I have started incorporating flipped assignments into my classroom.  This being said, they have been lecture assignments.  I would use a YouTube video that I created or borrowed that teach a specific skill set. While the students are watching the video, they must answer several questions that record the important information.  After the students are done they must take the new information and complete an assignment (create a poster, fill in the blank quiz, solve some problems, etc.) I tried to make the assignments as interactive as possible and allow students to creatively think about the new information...but the end I would always have a worksheet.

In my latest session I have learned about creating a YouTube video that is interactive..meaning the students can click on the video and based upon what they clicked can learn new information or relearn information.  Think about the possibilities! What if they create an entire story based upon an interactive video where they randomly select the next image...or if they monitor their own thinking while watching a video by commenting with their questions or clicking on questions that I write in that they can click to find the answer...I cannot wait to test this in my classroom.

This is the website that the instructor gave us that tells you how to make an interactive video: