
Tuesday, November 19, 2013


As most teachers, I have become addicted to Pinterest. I spend hours (without realizing it), looking through pictures of anchor charts and classroom activities. Most times I just repin the post, but sometimes I will click on the link to see what the story or explanation behind the picture is. This often causes frustration because I almost NEVER find what I am looking for. However, I have stumbled upon a new website that combines Pinterest type pinning and searching with Google and 21st century technology.  I urge you to go to This website is awesome. It allows you to search through apps, online games, websites, etc. to find items that are related to what you are teaching. While pinterest allows you to explore everything, is specially geared toward educational material. They have articles and ways to connect with other teachers. I highly recommend it, if you are looking for an educational idea that involves 21st century learning. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Inclusion classroom from a teacher's point of view

I am currently in the middle of my second year in an inclusion classroom. The first time was two years ago at my former school. I loved it. I was really close to my SPED teacher, that particular group of students were challenging academically and behaviorally, and I learned as a teacher. That year was my second year EVER teaching, and the first year for my inclusion teacher. We had a lot of the same ideas, but ultimately we were learning together. It helped that we were not required to do it, she had another room she could pull to. We choose to do it because we thought it would be best for the students...and for us. Times were not always easy, we got on each others nerves a lot! However, it felt  like our classroom.  This year feels and looks completely different. My inclusion teacher and I are being forced to do this and we do not get along. This is her first year teaching sixth grade, but she has been teaching other grades for longer than I have. She does not see the value in how I teach and will often criticize what and how I approach things. I feel like she doesn't understand the rigor that these students can do...and will do if you require it. I have been successful in my teaching. My students love to learn at the end of year, I have great relationships with most of them, and at least 90% of my students pass ALL of their standardized tests. In my short career I have taught title 1, low ESOL, SPED, quiet ones, loud ones, behavior issues, students that aren't identified but will be, etc.  so why is it that she can't see that whatever I am doing is working. I feel like this year is all about questioning my practices and wanting to do it a different way. What is wrong with the way that I have been teaching if it has worked on different populations for 4 years. 4 consistent years of success....why do we have to mess with success? I know I can learn things from her, but her attitude makes me not want to. Administration of course only compounds things and it makes me wonder is there any reason to stay in the classroom? It is almost like people don't want me to be successful....or want to push me so hard until I break.