
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Paper Airplanes

I find it difficult to make reading and analyzing non-fiction interesting. I try to find topics that they are interested in, but there is always someone that doesn't care.  I try to find non-fiction articles that are about 6th grade, but there is rarely anything good out there.  So today, I decided to have my students create paper airplanes.  I found some great instructions with pictures at  I printed out 4 different types of airplanes with different instructions so that the students were able to work in groups.  I then created End of Year Assessment Type Questions based upon their instructions.  Some of the questions included:
Where could you find more information about this airplane?
Who would want to find and use this resource?
What do _____ mean in paragraph 4?
What would be the best heading for paragraph 7?  Why?
What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
What is the author's purpose in writing these instructions?
What type of non-fiction text features can be found in paragraph 5?

After the students have answered the questions and built their airplanes, we went out and each group got to set off their airplanes.  Then we did a whole group flight.  The students seemed engaged and applied their reading strategies effectively to the airplane instructions.  :)

I am interested in seeing what else I can do with these instructions.

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