
Tuesday, January 22, 2013


It is the archaic question, are we testing our students too much? With the new push to have data to analyze, we find ourselves giving our students massive amounts of tests and quizzes.  I often struggle with whether to give my students multiple small tests or 1 big test.  The benefit of multiple small tests is their average won't be effected if they do poorly one day.  Moreover, I can pinpoint exactly what they are struggling with and not have to set up an entire day to analyze data. BUT that means I am giving my students a test every couple of days or weeks.  If I give the students 1 big test, then what if they are having a bad day or something happened at home before they came to school?  Moreover, the big tests are at the end of unit which is also when the district gives their tests.  I also worry about creating test anxiety with my students.  I don't want them to stress out over a test that isn't going to matter in a year.  SO what do I do?  Give them multiple small tests which takes up instruction, or give them 1 big test that creates anxiety?

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