Tuesday, November 19, 2013



As most teachers, I have become addicted to Pinterest. I spend hours (without realizing it), looking through pictures of anchor charts and classroom activities. Most times I just repin the post, but sometimes I will click on the link to see what the story or explanation behind the picture is. This often causes frustration because I almost NEVER find what I am looking for. However, I have stumbled upon a new website that combines Pinterest type pinning and searching with Google and 21st century technology.  I urge you to go to www.graphite.org. This website is awesome. It allows you to search through apps, online games, websites, etc. to find items that are related to what you are teaching. While pinterest allows you to explore everything, graphite.org is specially geared toward educational material. They have articles and ways to connect with other teachers. I highly recommend it, if you are looking for an educational idea that involves 21st century learning. 

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