Thursday, January 21, 2016

Linear Functions with Real World Problems

I have tried to be more cognizant of incorporating real world into my teaching this year. I feel like math is the easiest subject to incorporate this concept into, however it is hard with our pacing. Below I posted a linear functions project that I used with my special education team taught classroom. The students decided what row they wanted to complete and worked in cooperating groups to complete individual projects. *Stay tuned for pictures of completed projects.* This project was designed as a problem based learning project where I gave the students a problem (the row), and they had to research to find the missing pieces of information. We are an IBMYP school, so the students were asked to also present their findings for another grade. When I give projects like this, I typically give the students 1/2 to 1 classes to begin their search, that way I can field immediate questions and confusion and then they must complete it outside of class. They are given 1-1.5 weeks to complete it.

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