
Thursday, March 26, 2015

5th Year

*Deep breadth* I lost it today. Meaning, I started crying and had to leave the room during 5th period. I just couldn't take it. There I was trying to teach surface area and volume to my students, I will spare you from the blow by blow, but it ended with me being unable to keep it together. I went on this rant about the importance of education and how I cannot learn for was bad. Really bad. Luckily I had a co-teacher with me and it was the last 20 minutes of class. I have not cried all year, but there I was losing my cool over a bad day.

I thought by now that I would be able to handle anything. That I knew how to respond to every student and every situation, and for the most part I have handled myself better this year than most of my years...and yet I still found myself having to talk myself out of crying and cooling my face in the bathroom.

When will it ever get easier?

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