
Thursday, March 19, 2015

After School Blues

When does enough become enough?

In elementary school we do not have late buses. Therefore, if I child wanted to stay after they would have to arrange a ride with their parents or friend. This meant that while I had to call parents to remind them or ask for their kids to stay, all the of the students that stayed after, wanted to stay after.

In middle school, we have late buses twice a week. The students have to stay if they are missing assignments, or have detention. However, they can also choose to stay after to retake tests, study for upcoming tests, homework help, etc.

It is like pulling teeth. My school recently gave all of the teachers a list of students that failed the state standardized test and that have to stay after for 20 hours. In the beginning, I sat all of the kids down and explained why they needed to stay after. I called parents, had meetings, asked students every day, followed up with them, etc....and now I am tired. I am tired of fighting for them to stay. Sometimes I ask myself what is the point. Staying after is not a paid activity for me. I do it because I want to help my students. If I can raise their self esteem and get them to pass that end of year test it is worth every hour I stay after school.

But what is the point of fighting a student that makes up lies and excuses and argues about why they have to stay. In the end, I become frustrated and resentful. Yet, I don't want to give up on them and their potential.

What do I do?

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