Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Book Organization

At my old school, we had to use book boxes.  Each student was assigned one that they had to take care of that year and had their assigned number on it.  I HATED THOSE THINGS.  I liked that it kept books out of the desk, but I hated how it would become unbalanced and fall over.  And of course, when it fell over everything went everywhere and say goodbye to a nice quiet reading time.  SO, when I moved to my new school I was determined to come up with a better solution. They didn't have book boxes anyways, so...  Thanks to Pinterest I came up with book smocks.  I went to Home Depot and purchased 28 smocks for less than a dollar each.  Then, to make them cute and pretty, my friend and I painted over them in blues and greens (I was attempting to have a less chaotic color scheme this year.) Each smock has a number on the back that corresponds to the number I have assigned the students, this way I can reuse them year and after year.

Pros:  My students can keep their books on the outside of their desks.  Other students, other teachers, and I can quickly view what the students are reading.  I can use it to make random groups (if you have a book that title begins with A, if you are reading Fantasy...)

Cons:  Not very durable.  I have one student that is rough with it, and it has already begun to tear. Must take on and off to stack chairs ( I have changed my routine to have the students stack the chairs on top of their desks.)

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