Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Digital Portfolio

It has been a while since I last posted and I have been itching to do so. This year has been crazy with the inclusion classroom, new administration, and a brand new team (I am the only returning 6th grade teacher). We also applied and were given a grant for 32 new computers!!! YAY!!! Now the down side...we actually have to create what we said we would create. The 6th grade team proposed to the county that we would create a digital math portfolio via a blackboard website. Within the website the students have to find math videos and convince the reader why they should watch the video what they will learn, and why they choose it. Furthermore, they will find math games, create discussion posts, PowerPoint presentations, prezis, etc. All with the goal that they will synthesize this information while learning important technology skills. All of 6th grade is doing this, so we have a total of 70 students in 15 groups. The students are working in class and in a computer lab twice a week to accomplish this goal. They are creating an individual website within their group and will be graded as both a group (their homepage and tabs) and individually (math content). We believed it was important to put them into a group so they could share resources and help each other. The students in the group are heterogeneously arranged within homeroom groups. So far so good! More to come as they progress.

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