Monday, February 10, 2014

Cornell Notes for Graphing Inequalities on a Number Line

Graphing Inequalities is a simple topic, that students struggle massively with (or at least my students do), for some unknown reason. I have tried a lot of different things including:
-Playing matching games
-Creating matching games
-Smartboard Activities
-Basic Notes

You name it...I have probably tried it. The challenge with this unit is that we cannot afford to spend much time on it. 1 week max...and that is pushing it. It is not a heavily tested item...and lets face it, whoever has to graph inequalities when they become adults.

That being said I want the students to understand this topic and I have found two activities that the students seem to do well with.

The first is a Cornell style notes that highlights key vocabulary and practice questions. This activity helps organize a students thinking while still keeping them connected to real world application.

The second is a Google Docs activity where the students practice graphing with video game labels. This is a great activity for 6th graders because it is fairly easy, involves technology, and has a high interest because of video games.

It also provides them some quick videos to review before they begin working on their assignment. I have them using Pixie, however you can also use Microsoft paint or even paper and pencil.

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